Bellow is the list of FireHOL supported services. You can overwrite all the services (including those marked as complex) with the procedures defined in Adding Services.

In case you have problems with some service because it is defined by its port names instead of its port numbers, you can find the required port numbers at

Please report problems related to port names usage. I will replace the faulty names with the relative numbers to eliminate this problem. All the services defined by name in FireHOL are known to resolve in RedHat systems 7.x and 8.

AH, all, amanda, any, anystateless, apcupsd, apcupsdnis, aptproxy, asterisk
cups, custom, cvspserver
darkstat, daytime, dcc, dcpp, dhcp, dhcprelay, dict, distcc, dns
echo, emule, eserver, ESP
finger, ftp
gift, giftui, gkrellmd, GRE
h323, heartbeat, http, https, hylafax
iax, iax2, icmp, ICMP, icp, ident, imap, imaps, irc, isakmp
jabber, jabberd
ldap, ldaps, lpd
microsoft_ds, mms, ms_ds, msn, multicast, mysql
netbackup, netbios_dgm, netbios_ns, netbios_ssn, nfs, nis, nntp, nntps, ntp, nut, nxserver
oracle, OSPF
p2p, ping, pop3, pop3s, portmap, postgres, pptp, privoxy
radius, radiusold, radiusoldproxy, radiusproxy, rdp, rndc, rsync, rtp
samba, sip, smtp, smtps, snmp, snmptrap, socks, squid, ssh, stun, submission, sunrpc, swat, syslog
telnet, tftp, time, timestamp
upnp, uucp
vmware, vmwareauth, vmwareweb, vnc
webcache, webmin, whois
xbox, xdmcp

AH simple
Server Ports  51/any
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesIPSec Authentication Header (AH).

For more information see the FreeS/WAN documentation and RFC RFC 2402.

Exampleserver AH accept
all complex
Server Ports  all
Client Ports  all
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesMatches all traffic (all protocols, ports, etc) while ensuring that required kernel modules are loaded.
This service may indirectly setup a set of other services, if they are required by the kernel modules to be loaded. Currently it activates also ftp, irc and icmp.
Exampleserver all accept
amanda complex
Server Ports  see notes
Client Ports  see notes
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThis implementation of AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver is based on the notes posted at Amanda's Faq-O-Matic.

Based on this, FireHOL allows:

  • a connection from the server to the client at udp 10080
  • connections from the client to the server at tcp & udp ports controlled by the variable FIREHOL_AMANDA_PORTS.

    Default: FIREHOL_AMANDA_PORTS="850:859"

    It has been written in amanda mailing lists that by default amanda chooses ports in the range of 600 to 950. If you don't compile amanda yourself you may have to change the variable FIREHOL_AMANDA_PORTS to accept a wider match (but consider the trust relationship you are building with this).

I strongly suggest to use this service in your firewall like:

server amanda accept src, or
client amanda accept dst

in order to limit the hosts that have access to the ports controlled by the variable FIREHOL_AMANDA_PORTS.

This complex service handles correctly the multi-socket bi-directional environment required. Use the FireHOL server directive on the Amanda server, and FireHOL's client on the Amanda client.

The amanda service will break if it is NATed (to work it would require a bi-directional NAT and a modification in the amanda code to allow connections from/to high ports).


Exampleserver amanda accept src
any complex
Server Ports  all
Client Ports  all
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesMatches all traffic (all protocols, ports, etc), but does not care about kernel modules and does not activate any other service indirectly. In combination with the Optional Rule Parameters this service can match unusual traffic (e.g. GRE - protocol 47).
Exampleserver any myname accept proto 47
anystateless complex
Server Ports  all
Client Ports  all
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesMatches all traffic (all protocols, ports, etc), but does not care about kernel modules and does not activate any other service indirectly. In combination with the Optional Rule Parameters this service can match unusual traffic (e.g. GRE - protocol 47).

Also, this service is exactly the same with service any, but does not care about the state of traffic.

Exampleserver anystateless myname accept proto 47
apcupsd simple
Server Ports  tcp/6544
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesAPC UPS Deamon ports. This service must be defined as server apcupsd accept on all machines not directly connected to the UPS (i.e. slaves).

Note that the port defined here is not the default port (6666) used if you download and compile APCUPSD, since the default is conflicting with IRC and many distributions (like Debian) have changed this to 6544.

You can define port 6544 in APCUPSD, by changing the value of NETPORT in its configuration file, or overwrite this FireHOL service definition using the procedures described in Adding Services.

Exampleserver apcupsd accept
apcupsdnis simple
Server Ports  tcp/3551
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesAPC UPS Network Information Server. This service allows the remote WEB interfaces APCUPSD has, to connect and get information from the server directly connected to the UPS device.
Exampleserver apcupsdnis accept
aptproxy simple
Server Ports  tcp/9999
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDebian package proxy.
Exampleserver aptproxy accept
asterisk simple
Server Ports  tcp/5038
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesAsterisk is an open source PABX and the Swiss knife of VoIP.

This service refers only to the manager interface of asterisk. You should normally need to enable sip, h323, rtp, etc at the firewall level, if you enable the relative channel drivers of asterisk.

Exampleserver asterisk accept
cups simple
Server Ports  tcp/631 , udp/631
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesCommon UNIX Printing System
Exampleserver cups accept
custom complex
Server Ports  defined in the command
Client Ports  defined in the command
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThis service is used by FireHOL to allow you define services it currently does not support.
To find more about this service please check the Adding Services section.
Exampleserver custom myimap tcp/143 default accept
cvspserver simple
Server Ports  tcp/2401
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver cvspserver accept
darkstat simple
Server Ports  tcp/666
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDarkstat is a network traffic analyzer. It's basically a packet sniffer which runs as a background process on a cable/DSL router and gathers all sorts of useless but interesting statistics.
Exampleserver darkstat accept
daytime simple
Server Ports  tcp/13
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver daytime accept
dcc simple
Server Ports  udp/6277
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDistributed Checksum Clearinghouses. See and
Exampleserver dcc accept
dcpp simple
Server Ports  tcp/1412 , udp/1412
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDirect Connect++ P2P, can be found here.
Exampleserver dcpp accept
dhcp simple
Server Ports  udp/67
Client Ports  68
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThe DHCP service has been changed in v1.211 of FireHOL and now it is implemented as stateless. This has been done because DHCP clients broadcast the network (src dst to find a DHCP server. If the DHCP service was stateful the iptables connection tracker would not match the packets and deny to send the reply. Note that this change does not affect the security of either DHCP servers or clients, since only the specific ports are allowed (there is no random port at either the server or the client side).

Also, keep in mind that the server dhcp accept or client dhcp accept commands should placed within interfaces that either do not have src and / or dst defined (because of the initial broadcast).

You can overcome this problem by placing the DHCP service on a separate interface, without an src or dst but with a policy return. Place this interface before the one that defines the rest of the services.

For example:
    interface eth0 dhcp
        policy return
        server dhcp accept

    interface eth0 lan src "$mylan" dst "$myip"
        client all accept


Exampleserver dhcp accept
dhcprelay simple
Server Ports  udp/67
Client Ports  67
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDHCP Relay.

From RFC 1812 section 9.1.2
In many cases, BOOTP clients and their associated BOOTP server(s) do not reside on the same IP (sub)network. In such cases, a third-party agent is required to transfer BOOTP messages between clients and servers. Such an agent was originally referred to as a BOOTP forwarding agent. However, to avoid confusion with the IP forwarding function of a router, the name BOOTP relay agent has been adopted instead.

For more information about DHCP Relay see section 9.1.2 of RFC 1812 and section 4 of RFC 1542

Exampleserver dhcprelay accept
dict simple
Server Ports  tcp/2628
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThe Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. See RFC2229.
Exampleserver dict accept
distcc simple
Server Ports  tcp/3632
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Notesdistcc is a program to distribute builds of C, C++, Objective C or Objective C++ code across several machines on a network.

For distcc security, please check the distcc security design.

Exampleserver distcc accept
dns simple
Server Ports  udp/53 , tcp/53
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver dns accept
echo simple
Server Ports  tcp/7
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver echo accept
emule complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  many
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NoteseMule (Donkey network client).

According to eMule Port Definitions, FireHOL defines:

  • Connection from any client port to the server at tcp/4661
  • Connection from any client port to the server at tcp/4662
  • Connection from any client port to the server at udp/4665
  • Connection from any client port to the server at udp/4672
  • Connection from any server port to the client at tcp/4662
  • Connection from any server port to the client at udp/4672
Use the FireHOL client command to match the eMule client.

Please note that the eMule client is an HTTP client also.

Exampleclient emule accept src
eserver simple
Server Ports  tcp/4661 , udp/4661 , udp/4665
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Noteseserver is the emule/edonkey server.
Exampleserver eserver accept
ESP simple
Server Ports  50/any
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesIPSec Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP).

For more information see the FreeS/WAN documentation and RFC RFC 2406.

Exampleserver ESP accept
finger simple
Server Ports  tcp/79
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesSee: O'Reilly's Building Internet Firewalls book about finger and firewalls.
Exampleserver finger accept
ftp complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  many
Netfilter Modules  ip_conntrack_ftp (CONFIG_IP_NF_FTP)
Netfilter NAT Modules  ip_nat_ftp (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_FTP)
NotesThe FTP service matches both active and passive FTP connections by utilizing the FTP connection tracker kernel module.
Exampleserver ftp accept
gift simple
Server Ports  tcp/4302 , tcp/1214 , tcp/2182 , tcp/2472
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesGiFT is a collection of various software components geared towards improving the overall usability of a multitude of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

The gift FireHOL service supports:

  • Gnutella listening at tcp/4302
  • FastTrack listening at tcp/1214
  • OpenFT listening at tcp/2182 and tcp/2472
The above ports are the defaults given for the coresponding GiFT modules.

To allow access to the user interface ports of GiFT, use the giftui FireHOL service.

Exampleserver gift accept
giftui simple
Server Ports  tcp/1213
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesGiFT is a collection of various software components geared towards improving the overall usability of a multitude of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

This service refers only to the user interface ports offered by GiFT. To allow gift accept P2P requests, use the gift FireHOL service.

Exampleserver giftui accept
gkrellmd simple
Server Ports  tcp/19150
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver gkrellmd accept
GRE simple
Server Ports  47/any
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesGeneric Routing Encapsulation (protocol No 47).

For more information see RFC RFC 2784.

Exampleserver GRE accept
h323 simple
Server Ports  tcp/1720 , tcp/1731
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesH.323 is much more complicated than this firewall implementation. Check this document for an explanation.
Exampleserver h323 accept
heartbeat simple
Server Ports  udp/690:699
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesHeartBeat is the Linux clustering solution available This FireHOL service has been designed such a way that it will allow multiple heartbeat clusters on the same LAN.
Exampleserver heartbeat accept
http simple
Server Ports  tcp/80
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver http accept
https simple
Server Ports  tcp/443
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver https accept
hylafax complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  many
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThis complex service allows incomming requests to server port tcp/4559 and outgoing from server port tcp/4558.

The correct operation of this service has not been verified.


Exampleserver hylafax accept
iax simple
Server Ports  udp/5036
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver iax accept
iax2 simple
Server Ports  udp/5469 , udp/4569
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver iax2 accept
icmp simple
Server Ports  icmp/any
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver icmp accept
ICMP simple
Server Ports  icmp/any
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver ICMP accept
icp simple
Server Ports  udp/3130
Client Ports  3130
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver icp accept
ident simple
Server Ports  tcp/113
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver ident reject with tcp-reset
imap simple
Server Ports  tcp/143
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver imap accept
imaps simple
Server Ports  tcp/993
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver imaps accept
irc simple
Server Ports  tcp/6667
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules  ip_conntrack_irc (CONFIG_IP_NF_IRC)
Netfilter NAT Modules  ip_nat_irc (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_IRC)
Exampleserver irc accept
isakmp simple
Server Ports  udp/500
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesIPSec key negotiation (IKE on UDP port 500).

For more information see the FreeS/WAN documentation.

Exampleserver isakmp accept
jabber simple
Server Ports  tcp/5222 , tcp/5223
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesJabber Instant Messenger

This definition allows both clear and SSL jabber client - to - jabber server connections, as given in this Jabber FAQ.

Exampleserver jabber accept
jabberd simple
Server Ports  tcp/5222 , tcp/5223 , tcp/5269
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesJabberd Instant Messenger Server

This definition allows both clear and SSL jabber client - to - jabber server and jabber server - to - server connections, as given in this Jabberd FAQ.

Use this service for a jabberd server. In all other cases, use the jabber service.

Exampleserver jabberd accept
ldap simple
Server Ports  tcp/389
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver ldap accept
ldaps simple
Server Ports  tcp/636
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver ldaps accept
lpd simple
Server Ports  tcp/515
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesLine Printer Deamon Protocol (LPD)

LPD is documented in RFC 1179.

Since many operating systems are incorrectly using the default client ports for LPD access, this definition allows the default client ports to access the service (additionally to the RFC defined 721 to 731 inclusive).

Exampleserver lpd accept
microsoft_ds simple
Server Ports  tcp/445
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDirect Hosted (i.e. NETBIOS-less SMB)

This is another NETBIOS Session Service with minor differences with netbios_ssn. It is supported only by Windows 2000 and Windows XP and it offers the advantage of being indepedent of WINS for name resolution.

It seems that samba supports transparently this protocol on the netbios_ssn ports, so that either direct hosted or traditional SMB can be served simultaneously.

Please refer to the netbios_ssn service for more information.

Exampleserver microsoft_ds accept
mms simple
Server Ports  tcp/1755 , udp/1755
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules  ip_conntrack_mms (CONFIG_IP_NF_MMS)
Netfilter NAT Modules  ip_nat_mms (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_MMS)
Exampleserver mms accept
ms_ds simple
Server Ports  tcp/445
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDirect Hosted (i.e. NETBIOS-less SMB)

This is another NETBIOS Session Service with minor differences with netbios_ssn. It is supported only by Windows 2000 and Windows XP and it offers the advantage of being indepedent of WINS for name resolution.

It seems that samba supports transparently this protocol on the netbios_ssn ports, so that either direct hosted or traditional SMB can be served simultaneously.

Please refer to the netbios_ssn service for more information.

Exampleserver ms_ds accept
msn simple
Server Ports  tcp/6891
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesMicrosoft MSN Messenger Service

For a discussion about what works and what is not, please take a look at this technet note.

Exampleserver msn accept
multicast complex
Server Ports  N/A
Client Ports  N/A
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThe multicast service matches all packets send to using IGMP or UDP.
Exampleserver multicast reject with proto-unreach
mysql simple
Server Ports  tcp/3306
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver mysql accept
netbackup simple
Server Ports  tcp/13701 , tcp/13711 , tcp/13720 , tcp/13721 , tcp/13724 , tcp/13782 , tcp/13783
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThis is the Veritas NetBackup service. To use this service you must define it as both client and server in NetBackup clients and NetBackup servers.
Exampleserver netbackup accept
client netbackup accept
netbios_dgm simple
Server Ports  udp/138
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesNETBIOS Datagram Service

See also the samba service.

Keep in mind that this service broadcasts (to the broadcast address of your LAN) UDP packets. If you place this service within an interface that has a dst parameter, remember to include (in the dst parameter) the broadcast address of your LAN too.

Exampleserver netbios_dgm accept
netbios_ns simple
Server Ports  udp/137
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesNETBIOS Name Service

See also the samba service.

Exampleserver netbios_ns accept
netbios_ssn simple
Server Ports  tcp/139
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesNETBIOS Session Service

See also the samba service.

Please keep in mind that newer NETBIOS clients prefer to use port 445 (microsoft_ds) for the NETBIOS session service, and when this is not available they fall back to port 139 (netbios_ssn). Versions of samba above 3.x bind automatically to ports 139 and 445.

If you have an older samba version and your policy on an interface or router is DROP, clients trying to access port 445 will have to timeout before falling back to port 139. This timeout can be up to several minutes.

To overcome this problem either explicitly REJECT the microsoft_ds service with a tcp-reset message (server microsoft_ds reject with tcp-reset), or redirect port 445 to port 139 using the following rule (put it all-in-one-line at the top of your FireHOL config):

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -s --dport 445 -d -j REDIRECT --to-port 139


redirect to 139 inface eth0 src proto tcp dst dport 445


  • eth0 is the network interface your NETBIOS server uses
  • is the subnet matching all the clients IP addresses
  • is the IP of your linux server on eth0 (or whatever you set the first one above)

Exampleserver netbios_ssn accept
nfs complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  500:65535
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThe NFS service queries the RPC service on the NFS server host to find out the ports nfsd, mountd, lockd and rquotad are listening. Then, according to these ports it sets up rules on all the supported protocols (as reported by RPC) in order the clients to be able to reach the server.

For this reason, the NFS service requires that:

  • the firewall is restarted if the NFS server is restarted
  • the NFS server must be specified on all nfs statements (only if it is not the localhost)
Since NFS queries the remote RPC server, it is required to also be allowed to do so, by allowing the portmap service too. Take care, that this is allowed by the running firewall when FireHOL tries to query the RPC server. So you might have to setup NFS in two steps: First add the portmap service and activate the firewall, then add the NFS service and restart the firewall.

To avoid this you can setup your NFS server to listen on pre-defined ports, as it is well documented in If you do this then you will have to define the the ports using the procedure described in Adding Services.

Exampleclient nfs accept dst
nis complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  500:65535
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThe nis service queries the RPC service on the nis server host to find out the ports ypserv and yppasswdd are listening. Then, according to these ports it sets up rules on all the supported protocols (as reported by RPC) in order the clients to be able to reach the server.

For this reason, the nis service requires that:

  • the firewall is restarted if the nis server is restarted
  • the nis server must be specified on all nis statements (only if it is not the localhost)
Since nis queries the remote RPC server, it is required to also be allowed to do so, by allowing the portmap service too. Take care, that this is allowed by the running firewall when FireHOL tries to query the RPC server. So you might have to setup nis in two steps: First add the portmap service and activate the firewall, then add the nis service and restart the firewall.

This service has been created by Carlos Rodrigues. His comments regarding this implementation, are:

These rules work for client access only!

Pushing changes to slave servers won't work if these rules are active somewhere between the master and its slaves, because it is impossible to predict the ports where yppush will be listening on each push.

Pulling changes directly on the slaves will work, and could be improved performance-wise if these rules are modified to open fypxfrd. This wasn't done because it doesn't make that much sense since pushing changes on the master server is the most common, and recommended, way to replicate maps.

Exampleclient nis accept dst
nntp simple
Server Ports  tcp/119
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver nntp accept
nntps simple
Server Ports  tcp/563
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver nntps accept
ntp simple
Server Ports  udp/123 , tcp/123
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver ntp accept
nut simple
Server Ports  tcp/3493 , udp/3493
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver nut accept
nxserver simple
Server Ports  tcp/5000:5200
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesDefault ports used by NX server for connections without encryption.
Note that nxserver also needs the ssh service to be enabled.

This information has been extracted from this document. As stated there, the TCP ports used by nxserver is 4000 + DISPLAY_BASE to 4000 + DISPLAY_BASE + DISPLAY_LIMIT. DISPLAY_BASE and DISPLAY_LIMIT are set in /usr/NX/etc/node.conf and the defaults are DISPLAY_BASE=1000 and DISPLAY_LIMIT=200.

For encrypted nxserver sessions, only ssh is needed.

Exampleserver nxserver accept
oracle simple
Server Ports  tcp/1521
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver oracle accept
OSPF simple
Server Ports  89/any
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver OSPF accept
p2p simple
Server Ports 
Client Ports 
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver p2p accept
ping complex
Server Ports  N/A
Client Ports  N/A
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThis services matches requests of protocol ICMP and type echo-request (TYPE=8) and their replies of type echo-reply (TYPE=0).

The ping service is stateful.

Exampleserver ping accept
pop3 simple
Server Ports  tcp/110
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver pop3 accept
pop3s simple
Server Ports  tcp/995
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver pop3s accept
portmap simple
Server Ports  udp/111 , tcp/111
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver portmap accept
postgres simple
Server Ports  tcp/5432
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver postgres accept
pptp complex
Server Ports  tcp/1723
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesAdditionally to the above the PPTP service allows stateful GRE traffic (protocol 47) to flow between the PPTP server and the client.
Exampleserver pptp accept
privoxy simple
Server Ports  tcp/8118
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver privoxy accept
radius simple
Server Ports  udp/1812 , udp/1813
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver radius accept
radiusold simple
Server Ports  udp/1645 , udp/1646
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver radiusold accept
radiusoldproxy simple
Server Ports  udp/1647
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver radiusoldproxy accept
radiusproxy simple
Server Ports  udp/1814
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver radiusproxy accept
rdp simple
Server Ports  tcp/3389
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesRemote Desktop Protocol is the protocol used for Windows Remote Desktop Connections (known also as Terminal Services).

For more information see this FAQ.

Exampleserver rdp accept
rndc simple
Server Ports  tcp/953
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver rndc accept
rsync simple
Server Ports  tcp/873 , udp/873
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver rsync accept
rtp simple
Server Ports  udp/10000:20000
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesRTP is the internet standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications.

RTP ports are generally all the UDP ports.

Exampleserver rtp accept
samba complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThe samba service automatically sets all the rules for netbios_ns, netbios_dgm, netbios_ssn and microsoft_ds.

Please refer to the notes of the above services for more information.

NETBIOS initiates based on the broadcast address of an interface (request goes to broadcast address) but the server responds from its own IP address. This makes the server samba accept statement drop the server reply, because of the way the iptables connection tracker works.

This service definition includes a hack, that allows a linux samba server to respond correctly in such situations, by allowing new outgoing connections from the well known netbios_ns port to the clients high ports.

However, for clients and routers this hack is not applied because it would open all unpriviliged ports to the samba server. The only solution to overcome the problem in such cases (routers or clients) is to build a trust relationship between the samba servers and clients.

Exampleserver samba accept
sip simple
Server Ports  udp/5060
Client Ports  5060 , default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesSIP is the Session Initiation Protocol, an IETF standard protocol (RFC 2543) for initiating interactive user sessions involving multimedia elements such as video, voice, chat, gaming, etc. SIP works in the application layer of the OSI communications model.
Exampleserver sip accept
smtp simple
Server Ports  tcp/25
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver smtp accept
smtps simple
Server Ports  tcp/465
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver smtps accept
snmp simple
Server Ports  udp/161
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver snmp accept
snmptrap simple
Server Ports  udp/162
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver snmptrap accept
socks simple
Server Ports  tcp/1080 , udp/1080
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver socks accept
squid simple
Server Ports  tcp/3128
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver squid accept
ssh simple
Server Ports  tcp/22
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver ssh accept
stun simple
Server Ports  udp/3478 , udp/3479
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesSTUN is a protocol for assisting devices behind a NAT firewall or router with their packet routing.
Exampleserver stun accept
submission simple
Server Ports  tcp/587
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver submission accept
sunrpc simple
Server Ports  udp/111 , tcp/111
Client Ports  any
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver sunrpc accept
swat simple
Server Ports  tcp/901
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver swat accept
syslog simple
Server Ports  udp/514
Client Ports  syslog , default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver syslog accept
telnet simple
Server Ports  tcp/23
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver telnet accept
tftp complex
Server Ports  many
Client Ports  many
Netfilter Modules  ip_conntrack_tftp (CONFIG_IP_NF_TFTP)
Netfilter NAT Modules  ip_nat_tftp (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_TFTP)
NotesThe TFTP service matches UDP TFTP connections by utilizing the TFTP connection tracker kernel module.
Exampleserver tftp accept
time simple
Server Ports  tcp/37 , udp/37
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver time accept
timestamp complex
Server Ports  N/A
Client Ports  N/A
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesThis services matches requests of protocol ICMP and type timestamp-request (TYPE=13) and their replies of type timestamp-reply (TYPE=14).

The timestamp service is stateful.

Exampleserver timestamp accept
upnp simple
Server Ports  udp/1900 , tcp/2869
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesUPNP is Univeral Plug and Play.

For a linux implementation check: Linux IGD.

Exampleserver upnp accept
uucp simple
Server Ports  tcp/540
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver uucp accept
vmware simple
Server Ports  tcp/902
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver vmware accept
vmwareauth simple
Server Ports  tcp/903
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver vmwareauth accept
vmwareweb simple
Server Ports  tcp/8222 , tcp/8333
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver vmwareweb accept
vnc simple
Server Ports  tcp/5900:5903
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver vnc accept
webcache simple
Server Ports  tcp/8080
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver webcache accept
webmin simple
Server Ports  tcp/10000
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesWebmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
Exampleserver webmin accept
whois simple
Server Ports  tcp/43
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesSee: O'Reilly's Building Internet Firewalls book about whois and firewalls.
Exampleserver whois accept
xbox simple
Server Ports 
Client Ports 
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
Exampleserver xbox accept
xdmcp simple
Server Ports  udp/177
Client Ports  default
Netfilter Modules 
Netfilter NAT Modules 
NotesX Display Manager Control Protocol
See for a discussion about XDMCP and firewalls (this is about Gnome Display Manager, a replacement of XDM).
Exampleserver xdmcp accept

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